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2nd Grade 

History Questions


Directions in your history section of your notebook you will answer the questions below.  You will see that each section is highlighted in a different color to help you.


Chapter 11 Ancient Africa Part 1


  • What is a continent?
  • What continent is the Nile River in?
  • What is the name of the large desert in West Africa?
  • Was the Sahara desert always hot and sandy?
  • Why did people of ancient Africa go south?


Part 2

  • Why didn’t Anansi want to share with the Turtle?
  • What did Anansi tell Turtle to do before he ate?
  • Where did the turtle set Anansi’s supper table and how did Anansi get there?
  • What did Turtle tell him to do and what happened?


Part 3

Draw a picture of Anansi the Spider with a banana, a potato, and several grains of rice.  Should the food have faces?



Chapter 12 The Middle Kingdom of Egypt Part 1

 Write 4 sentences to summarize the chapter.


Part 2

1.What happened to the Middle Kingdom of Egypt?

2.  Who invaded Egypt and took over the Egyptian throne?

3. Where were they from?

4. Did the Egyptians like having Hyksos for kings?

5. How did the Egyptians get rid of the Hyksos?

Chapter 13 The New Kingdom of Egypt


Part 1

  • What is this time in Egypt’s history called?
  • What were the names of the two pharaohs?
  • What did Thutmose and what did Hatshepsut do?
  • What did Hatshepsut wear?


Part 2

1.Retell the story of Amenhotep in three to four sentences for someone to write down. 

2. Draw a picture of King Tut’s mummy or of Howard Carter discovering the tomb full of the treasure, then write about what you drew.


Chapter 14:  The Israelites Leave Egypt


Part 1


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